hey..did watched yr performance beated shane kelly of aust..sy tgk dr aust taw..bangga gle..harap ms poland buat foul tu u bley perform, tp xde rezki kot..so try utk other world champs, lg 4 thn olympic lg skali, u br 24 waktu tu..so, proove malaysia boleh!!!!
salam...azizul,,jgn rsau,,kami akn slalu doakn kejayaan azizul..we hv faith in u..just do ur superb bess..!fighto-ohh!! (from;syafiqah n friendss..smk(p)s.a,sel.)
very cool.
malaysia boleh!!!!!!
bro...all the best.
syok tengok komitmen dan frienship korang....concentrate on the mission and prove that m'sia boleh...
aku sure depan tv punya...aku tak kira...sure jerit gila2....bior terbangun anok pun takper...
kirim 'high five' aku kat semua....
Salam.... gud luck guys! Watever happen, we'l give our full support 4 u! Percayalah (sila nyanyi ikut ct k, :)...) U can do it!!!!!!
1 juta beb, kamonnn :D
hey..did watched yr performance beated shane kelly of aust..sy tgk dr aust taw..bangga gle..harap ms poland buat foul tu u bley perform, tp xde rezki kot..so try utk other world champs, lg 4 thn olympic lg skali, u br 24 waktu tu..so, proove malaysia boleh!!!!
very very proud of your try :D
salam..xpe azizul,kalah sekrg bkn b'makne kalah selama-lamanyer..dlm bnyk2 kunci,kadang2 kunci t'akhir dpt m'buka sebuah mangga,dan kadang2 kekalahan itulah merupakan kunci kpd kejayaan!papepun,jgn cpt putus asa...
(from;syafiqah n friendss..sek.(p)s.a)
salam...azizul,,jgn rsau,,kami akn slalu doakn kejayaan azizul..we hv faith in u..just do ur superb bess..!fighto-ohh!!
(from;syafiqah n friendss..smk(p)s.a,sel.)
tak apa kalah masa ni...masing ada lagi..tunggu akan datang..cari stategi baru....(jimie superfly)
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